With all the hustle and bustle going on at Long Ravine it’s hard to imagine that you’re looking for more to do. If that is the case then here are a few extra things to keep you busy.

Boat rentals– Spend the day on the lake in style. Check out www.rollinslakerentals.com for a list of ski boats and pontoon boats for rent, they also rent kayaks and SUPs.

Restaurant– Relax on the deck and have a bite at the Lakeside Grill and enjoy one of the best views around.

Fitness Course– Feeling the urge to get some exercise?  Check out our new Par Course located just off the store parking lot, there are 7 Stops guaranteed to get your blood pumping. Don’t mind the hill, it’s just the warm-up:)


Local links:

All things Nevada County                  www.gonevadacounty.com

Local state Parks                               www.nevadacounty.com/state-parks

Place County                                      http://www.visitplacer.com/